Priority registration for our current families has passed. Remaining spots are now available to new families.
How do you secure your child’s spot?
- Fill out our 2018-2019 application packet which is currently available in the front office and by email.
- Include the $400 per student registration fee (or a $200 per student non-refundable registration deposit) with your application packet.
- Make sure your account is current for the 2017-2018 school year or you have a payment plan in place with our bookkeeper if you have a student currently with Excel.
Your student’s spot will be secured when you have met all of the above requirements and re-enrollment has been approved by administration. Any remaining balance due on registration fees ($400 total per student) will be due by May 11, 2018, or your child’s spot may be forfeited.
If you have any questions about the registration process, please feel free to contact the front office at (775) 356-9995. We look forward to having your family back for the 2018-2019 school year, so please register early and avoid the rush! Thank you.