All required tops (polos and sweatshirts) must be purchased by clicking the below button
Uniform pants and shorts may be purchased from Old Navy, Target, Wal-Mart or JC Penney’s. Girls may purchase knee length uniform skirts in the same colors as the uniform pants.
Pre-K – Grade 6
- Polo shirts with Excel logo in red, black, white, or grey, short, ¾ or long sleeved. See online store
- Uniform pants (solid colored) in beige (khaki), black or any shade of grey (fabric: cotton). Pre-K and Kindergarten students may wear leggings in the above colors
- Sweatshirts, fleece and zippered jackets that will be worn in class MUST be purchased from the online store
- Shoes (sandals, tennis shoes, boots, dress shoes/loafers). Closed-toed shoes are recommended Sandals MUST have strap across heel
- Uniform shorts in the same colors, must be knee length
- Uniform skirts and jumpers in the same colors, must be knee length. Elementary students are allowed to wear solid colored leggings in black, beige or grey under their skirts/jumpers
- Winter coats (for outside use) do not have to be in school colors
- Undershirts may be worn under logo polo shirts for warmth
- Elementary students may bring mesh or nylon shorts or track pants to change into for PE ONLY
- Jeans may be worn on Fridays for Excel Spirit days and monthly PBIS Warrior Free Dress days
- Pre-K and Kindergarten students may wear beige (khaki), black or any shade of grey leggings
Not permitted:
- Hats or hoods in class or chapel.
- T-shirts,(not undershirts) even in school colors. Excel logo, athletic team and SWAT t-shirts are allowed on Fridays
- Logos of any kind other than the Excel logo
- Leggings, yoga pants, jeggings, joggers, or sweat pants
- Jeans of any kind except on Fridays and PBIS Warrior Free Dress days
- Holes or tears of any size in any part of the uniform
- Patterned (including plaid) clothing
- Shoes: slides, slippers/house shoes, flip flops or going barefoot/shoeless.
If you are not sure if your clothing meets these requirements, please ASK before you buy/wear it!
Middle School / High School
- Polo shirts with Excel logo in red, black, white, or grey, short, ¾ or long sleeved. See online store
- Uniform pants (solid colored) in beige (khaki), black or any shade of grey (fabric: cotton)
- Sweatshirts, fleece and zippered jackets that will be worn in class MUST be purchased from the online store
- Shoes (sandals, tennis shoes, boots, dress shoes/loafers)
- Uniform shorts in the same colors must be knee length
- Uniform skirts in the same colors must be knee length
- Winter coats (for outside use) do not have to be in school colors
- Undershirts may be worn under logo polo shirts for warmth
- Make-up and jewelry are acceptable as long as they are not extreme
- PE uniforms for grades 7-12 (to be purchased through the online store)
Not permitted:
- Hats or hoods in class or chapel
- T-shirts,(not undershirts) even in school colors (except on Fridays and PBIS Warrior Free Dress day) Excel logo, athletic team and SWAT t-shirts are allowed on Fridays
- Logos of any kind other than the Excel logo
- Leggings, yoga pants, jeggings, joggers, or sweat pants
- Mesh or nylon track/athletic pants except if part of school sport spirit wear
- Jeans of any kind except on Fridays
- Holes or tears of any size in any part of the uniform
- Patterned (including plaid) clothing
- Shoes: slides, slippers/house shoes, Crocs, flip flops or going barefoot/shoeless
- Boys’ pants/jeans may not sag
If you are not sure if your clothing meets these requirements, please ASK before you buy/wear it!
Students who come to school in anything else will be sent home immediately.